Wednesday 7 September 2016


Soooooooooooooooooo looooong without writing!
Anyhow, a few days ago I posted something about nationalism on Facebook. It was a picture that said "Nationalism teaches you to take pride in shit you haven't done and hate people you've never met". Now, I agree with that 100%, it's not me shitposting. Then one of my cousins said that Nationalism and Chavism/Fascism are separate things and that you can be a Nationalist without the xenophobia that is taught by said ideologies. I said that I was not about to start a conversation via FB on the matter, but he insisted in knowing my opinion, and that led me here. So let's start this John Oliver Style.

People's way of letting you know that their dirt is better than yours.

First of all let's make something clear. What I quoted earlier was, word for word, what I posted on FB and it did not contain any mention or reference to Chavism, Fascism or Xenophobia. That being said, lets start to define Nationalism. I will not be using my own words yet to define terms since I do not want to be taken for someone clouded by his own points of view, so let's go with this definition I found on the internet since it's pretty broad and accurate

Nationalism is a shared group feeling in the significance of a geographical and sometimes demographic region seeking independence for its culture or ethnicity that holds that group together. This can be expressed as a belief or political ideology that involves an individual identifying with or becoming attached to one's nation. Nationalism involves national identity, by contrast with the related concept of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviors that support a state's decisions and actions.

So right there you can scratch Chavism off the list: Nationalism does not require you to support any government. And Fascism, though it makes use of Nationalism, need several other things to exist, such as Totalitarianism and Palingenesis.

So now you have to ask yourself, if Nationalism involves national identity, what is a nation? Is it the country you were born in? Is it something else? Because take this for example, take a man descended from Romulus and a woman descended from Reno, no other human being can be more Italian than this dudes, Mussolini himself would be jealous of how Italian these people are... and then they have a child born in the United States of America. Now, while feeling this sense of pride about your nation, should this child feel proud to be an American? An Italian? Both? All are correct answers, and it all depends on how you identify yourself as an individual and as a part of a group. Take the Wayúu for example, if asked whether they are Venezuelan or Colombian, they might simply answer that they are Wayúu, because that's how they feel, and it's ok.

Now that we know what Nationalism is an Idea, and that a Nation can be an abstract concept lets take a moment before continuing with why I'm against Nationalism to scratch that last word off the list. I wrote people, not groups of people. Take a Mexican dude, paying attention to Mr. Donald Trump waving his tiny little fingers as he belches forth insult after insult towards the Mexican people. That Mexican will no doubt have grounds to hate Mr. Trump, but unless every single American vote for him, he will not have grounds to hate every other American, and that's the point. Though I'll admit that, on this particular matter, the line CAN be a little blurry.

But moving on to the criticism, and the reason why I am against Nationalism... It's actually quite simple. Nationalism is inherently divisive! It highlights the differences, perceived or not, between people... And it's all based on an abstract concept. It's all subjective. You might argue that you can have Nationalism without Xenophobia, like my cousin said, and though we've established that Xenophobia is kind of a big word, I can agree that it is true; you CAN be proud of your "nation" without being an asshole to anyone else. But that is not the problem, the problem is not whether or not you can be nice, it's the reason behind your pride. The though of any singular thing might be good, just because you share the same Nationality with the dude that did/made it, kind of makes Nationalism just another sort of fanaticism. Think about it.

Let's take sports for example. Let's say you consider yourself a Real Madrid follower, you immediately have a rivalry with Barcelona and Atlético de Madrid followers and you will immediately be either a positive Nationalist or a negative Nationalist in your behaviour - that is you'll  engage in boosting or denigrating behaviour; but somehow you will think in terms of victories and defeats and see history, especially recent history, as the endless rise and decline of power and every event that happen will seem to you a demonstration that your own side is on the upgrade and some rival is on the downgrade.


Oh wait, did I say Nationalist? I meant Fanatic, yes.... Fanatic, that's what I meant.

And should you chose not to take my word for it, because, who am I right? Just a troll that know how to type... then take the word of George Orwell, because that's where I got that last paragraph from.

"There are, for example, Trotskyists who have become simply enemies of the U.S.S.R. without developing a corresponding loyalty to any other unit. When one grasps the implications of this, the nature of what I mean by nationalism becomes a good deal clearer. A nationalist is one who thinks solely, or mainly, in terms of competitive prestige. He may be a positive or a negative nationalist—that is, he may use his mental energy either in boosting or in denigrating—but at any rate his thoughts always turn on victories, defeats, triumphs and humiliations. He sees history, especially contemporary history, as the endless rise and decline of great power units and every event that happens seems to him a demonstration that his own side is on the upgrade and some hated rival is on the downgrade."

Yes, it was he who said that, I only put it in football terms. And wait, it goes on

"But finally, it is important not to confuse nationalism with mere worship of success. The nationalist does not go on the principle of simply ganging up with the strongest side. On the contrary, having picked his side, he persuades himself that it is the strongest and is able to stick to his belief even when the facts are overwhelmingly against him."

So let put this in lamer terms, terms everyone can understand; lets talk football again... I was once told by a Barcelona fan, in my own house, to take my Juventus shirt of, because I need to wear the shirt of a team that is actually good. He was just being stupid. STUPID. Why? Because being the spoiled little shit he is, he disregarded all of Juventus's achievements; which are, just to name a few, Italy's most successful club of the 20th century and the most successful club in the history of Italian football. In 1985, Juventus became the first club in the history of European football to have won all three major UEFA competitions and, after their triumph in the Intercontinental Cup, the club also became the first in association football history - and remain the world's only one at present - to have won all possible confederation competitions and the club world title. Granted, Barcelona has been the best club in the past 10 years or so; but by disregarding hard facts about football's history, things he cannot deny or avoid, he was being a stupid little shit.


Did I say stupid little shit? I meant to say Nationali... I mean, Fanatic! Fanatic, that's what I meant.

See my point now?

So what happens when 10 to 20 football fans get into an argument? A fight breaks out, and they end up spending the night in jail. The absolute worst? Some people may die, like it happened in 1985 in the incident know as the Heysel Stadium disaster, in which 39 people died, and over 600 more were hurt. A tragedy, no doubt, that should have never happened. But what happens when someone when a Nationalist takes action against a person because he believes himself righteously inflicting retribution upon someone he's never met? A clusterfuck called the July crisis which ended in WWI happens... As you can see, the body count is slightly bigger.

So, in conclusion, in my opinion Nationalism is bad for your health and that of others. And not only Orwell, but Albert Einstein and Carl Sagan, minds much greater than mine, were also Anti-Nacionalism... So there must be some truth to this, right? Am I telling you that you should not like the things your "Nation" have to offer or something? No. I like the food of my country, and if I ever live somewhere else, I will miss the food. But I will miss it because it's fucking tasty, not because it happens to be made where I was born. You need to like things and persons, and be proud of things and persons, based on quality.... Not passport! Quality. Because saying that one kind of food is better than another JUST based on where it was first cooked... Well... Then you're letting other people think for you, you're allowing your brain to stop functioning, and a nonfunctional brain is clinically dead.

And this last part goes straight to you, Bebe, this is MY opinion on the matter and I've arrived here not because I'm a lawyer. It involved a lot of reading and critical and rational thinking. I was certainly influenced by what one or other person said, but ultimately this my opinion... Which means you should have your own. It'd be cool if we end up thinking alike, but if not... Hey, man, it's cool also; we can agree to disagree.

Alright, I could not find a decent song to got with this, so I'm gonna end this with a song by Liquid Tension, because they're awesome.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Fuck my life... or "Why I'm not proud of being from Venezuela"

The other day I kind of exploded, in the good sense of the word, don't get me wrong.  I didn't even raise my voice, but I could not keep quiet during that talk... People were talking about being proud of being Venezuelan.

The nerve of some people!

No, really, honestly speaking I do realize that there might be people all around the world that get a sense of pride out of being squeezed out of someone in a specific part of the map. I have never understood that feeling. Why? Simple, it is not your accomplishment. In my opinion, in order to be proud of something, you must first achieve something; that's what gives you braging rights over the deed.... Like finishing Dark Souls without taking a single hit! Congratulations to the dude that accomplished that, he managed to not have a life.

But back to the point at hand. Even taking into consideration what I just said, I understand that some people might be proud of the country they were born somehow. Take Germany, they were devastated after the war and now they are a pretty kick ass country; so is Japan, pretty much every Scandinavian countries, and many other countries that are, well, kick ass. Granted, no one is perfect, but what have this country, my country, ever done in the past... idk... 50 years?

There was a time when this was an awesome place, a tropical paradise of sorts, and then it went to shit. Why? Mainly corruption, but I'm sure there are other factors involved. Back in the 50's we had a inflation rate that was under 2%, we even were at a -1.7% at some point... Last year we had a 108.7%... Ooooh, I feel a spark of nationalism in me!

We have now no fucking water, no fucking electricity, blackouts are common, there are places in the country where you don't get water service in weeks.... But to speak out of what I know. My town has a huge lake... we have no water treatment plants. Why? We basically depend on one single power plant for the entire country, that worked fantastically until population grew evidently; apparently the people in charge of the country never thought about population growth, a basic concept for us gamers... Want more Zealots? YOU MUST CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS!

I could go on... but I wont... I'll just tell you the same thing I told my parents. This county only merit in the past 20 years (in that span of time we've had 2 coups, by the way), has been the exporting of the brightest minds this country have seen. The numbers are around 1.5 million Venezuelan living somewhere else, that's what Venezuela, as a country has accomplished in my time.

That's not something to be proud of.

No song tonight.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Yeah... Deapool post...

"Hey, Guaji, long time no see! What brings you here?"

I saw Deadpool yesterday - or as my friend so cleverly named it "Skullpoopl" ....... WhatsApp emoji joke, You had to "be there" I guess.


Going into the movie I knew the movie was gonna rock, I had no doubts about it. But honestly, it went far beyond my expectations. The hype was big, the movie was bigger! Which is fucking unbelievable, given the fact that this movie had one of the most awesome advertizing campaigns I've seen.

Let's go at it step by step.

First and foremost: the script.
Flawless. Abso-fucking-lutely flawless, it's very well written. All the jokes, references, cameos, nods, whatever... Raynolds went as far as to say there are more than 100 of those in the movie. Everything Perfectly done. The plot's a bit weak, yes, but hey... It's a superhero movie, and featuring Deadpool, what did you expect? That's like saying that Mad Max: Fury Road it's a bad movie because it's plot... It's not about the plot when it comes to movies like Deadpool. It's about being.... well... read the fucking comics!

Second: direction.
Oh so very awesome. The movie actually starts in media res; and through, not one, but several, flashbacks they let you catch up. Seriously, very nicely done! Very good shots and sequences, the action was great, choreographies were fucking awesome (They had the same guy as Marvel's Daredevil... The Netflix series, not the crappy movie), and the music was from the guy that did Fury Road! Fuck! How do you make such an awesome movie with so little money? By being brilliants, that's how.

Third: actors.
Raynolds fucking killed it. That guy's fucking funny on it's own; and in my opinion, just like there's only one guy able to play Wolverine, and only ONE Tony Stark... There's only one Wade Wilson. Think of that hunter he played on Blade, that guy was Deadpool before he even was cast as Deadpool. Other than him, no really big performances, but as far as I can tell, and from what I've read, the characters are true to the comic version of themselves. So while no big performances, I gotta give to the actor that respected the comic and fucking acted like they should and not make, say for example, a stupid angsty teenager out of a dude that only thinks about eating and fighting... Yeah... that meant you, Dragon Ball Evolution.

To wrap it up, guys, this is a fucking amazing movie, guys. Go watch it... over and over again! Really. You know that saying "Shit just hit the fan"? Well Deadpool took a big dump, threw it on the fan and everyone, every-fucking-one, got sprayed. They even make fun of the fact that they only had a $58 million budget, which is fucking nothing, compared to the $200 million that Days of Future Past had; even the first X-Men movie, why back in 2000 had a bigger budget!! My only wish is that, not only FOX, but everyone learn from this. Big risks bring great rewards... all you have to do is make things the right way.... People is tired of shit like Twilight and 50 Shades of bad movie... bring back the good old raw movies like Fight Club, and The Devil's Advocate, and The Crow, and Seven, and Matrix, and American History X, and so on and so forth..... yeah... we know... you're in the making money business, and making a E rated movie brings more money; but give something back once in awhile, yes? If you do not, Deadpool WILL make fun of you in the sequel.

Cue The Music

Thursday 31 December 2015

Instead of fancy...

This year's been really shitty.

REALLY shitty.

There's been some good things though, like my friends always being around. They are always a plus to any situation, and I mean any situation.

ANY situation.

But even though there's been good things, even though I love my friends to death, I do not feel like writing something all cool and fancy about this years. I show my love to everyone that deserves it on a daily basis anyways, and since I've nothing nice to say about you, 2015, I just won't write something fancy. So, instead of fancy, I will tell a joke.

Recently I pulled a prank on someone I know and she swore revenge... Not a big deal right? Wrong! The joke got out of hand and now I'm a bit paranoid, to tell the truth. This is serious business, man! This chick you don't know; or maybe you do, and you understand why I'm a bit paranoid with this whole thing.

The thing is that I had a dream a couple of nights ago, a bunch of friends where at someone's place watching a movie. So I was sitting on the floor, watching whatever movie we were supposed to be watching telling jokes as usual and then I feel someone grabs my hand, oh so gently. I turn around to see who's holding my hand, I mean, I felt like someone was trying to get my attention really badly. It's her... With a smile on her face... She looks at me for a moment and then softly says:

"It's done".

And I woke up with that face.

Anyhow, I hope you all have a happy new year and may 2016 be not as shitty as my 2015.

Tuesday 8 December 2015

We won... ?

So yeah... Election day... I believed, as strongly as my mother beliefs in wooden idols, that the PSUV would "win", even if it was 51%/49%. Why? 3 simple reasons:
1.- This is fucking Venezuela.
2.- I have it on good authority that the Armed Forces have backed the government when it has rigged elections before.
3.- I have worked on a voting center, and the numbers given out by CNE did not match those we sent them.

So you might see why I thought that going to vote was a waste of my time. Don't get me wrong, I have voted each and every time that there's been an election, I just feel like it wont matter at all, since elections are rigged. But to my surprise, we won... and not by a mere 51%/49%... It was a colossal butt fuck. So I am happy, just as you are; but let's be clear now in one simple thing: this maybe the best thing that has happened to Chavismo ever since fucking Chavez.

Why? The ball's on our court now. Drop it, you motherfuckers, and heads will roll as they rolled on 2002. Now is the time to do things right, because if you screw up, they can point their fingers and say "See? We're not the bad guys!" and people WILL believe them. Besides, you cannot begin a fucking witch hunt, Catholic Church style, and not expect people to get angry.

"Fuck you, Guaji, we are no longer a minority! Times for head to roll!"

Oh yeah? Then you are just as bad as the ones you're criticising.


You heard me. You think you're better than them, then show it. Lead by example. And fucking acknowledge that even if Chavismo is a minority, they still pose a "threat". Not to mention that the Armed Forces might turn on the Opposition if they so please.

Such is the way of this country. Does it need to change? Yes, of course. But that change needs to come step by step, carefully, They need to plan stuff and build the foundations in which the new country needs to be built.

And one final thing people... stop worshiping politicians! You're not supposed to like them, they are supposed to run a country for you! If the manager of a company if running the company down you fire the guy... WHOEVER THAT GUY MIGHT BE! I am part of the opposition. Why? Because I'm with Lopez or Capriles? Fuck no! It's because I don't like the ones in charge, and if Lopez or Capriles fuck up, I will be against them too, and so should you.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Facebook lately...

*types mail and pass*
*logs in*
*clicks on "Notifications"*
*starts reading*
Booring trash...
*checks Avendaño's link*
Heheps, lol... next...
*checks another link by Avendaño*
Haha *likes*
You again? Damn...
HAhahahahahah someone give this man a cookie!!...
Oh, Yuro sent something awesome...
This is interesting...
*likes cute picture of Luci and Panda*
Enough internet for today...
*logs out*
*turns off PC*
FUCK! I forgot to write something

Thursday 29 October 2015

The Problem.

You see, "the problem" is not the problem; "the problem" is your attitude towards the problem.

When you find someone that has a different opinion than yours about anything, and the thing cannot be settled via an objective source, people can agree to disagree. And even is there is an objective way, you can also agree to disagree. Lemme give you an example to better explain myself.

My bro and I are both football fans, that kind of guys that will even cry if their team wins or loses an important match; the only thing is, he's an England fan, I'm a Germany fan. If you ask us which team is better, we are not going to agree on that, because the answer it's going to be based on what we love... He's gonna say that The Three Lions roar harder and I'll say that The Nationalmannschaft is better in every way; so we would need an objective way to settle this. Germany has 4 World Cups and 3 Euro Cups while England only has 1 World Cup... Germany is better, right? Well my bro will say no... AND IT'S OK! We can agree to disagree, like grown ups.

"The problems" rises when the whole agreeing to disagree thing falls apart.

And how does it fall apart? When one of the parties involved fails to acknowledge the right that the other party has to disagree. That creates a problem and the "offended" party then won't let go. They can't! For that party, the other guy is wrong! IS as simple as that, but that simplicity prevents them from seeing a simple truth....They can disagree and go on about with their lives.

Then "the problem" gets bigger.

Because if people can't agree to disagree they will begin to give the matter too much importance. Every little detail will become an offense. Every little thing will be judged, oh so harshly. Every joke would be like an insult.

Has this happened to me?

Of course, why do you think I'm writing about it? I like to live my life in the most relaxed way possible. Why complicate myself with shit when I know that A.- Life is hard, B.-Life is harder on my country and C.- Nothing good ever came from living so stressed that you then can't see the forest for the trees. And that IS "the problem"; people that are intense like that, complicated like that, can't let go like that... They, well... they bore me... They annoy me eventually. Because why take a stupid FB comment and turn it into what it's not? Why take something someone says or do and judge that with self righteous fury without even question why that person said or did that? It's bothersome man, childish even, it's stupid... universally stupid.

What should you do about it?

Beats me. I don't know and this is not about me trying to tell you what to do. Who do you think I am, one of those Cyber-Nietzsche motherfuckers? I just wanna leave this here for future references, so that I can say that you KNOW all of the above and all of the following shit: A.- I do not like to be judged, B.- I do not like people being intense and fucking up my cool, C.- I will always agree to disagree (otherwise I would fuck up my cool), and D.- As of right now: Monday, November the 2nd 2015, 5:19pm local time, my coffee mug is empty and I need a refill.